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Představte si, že byste mohli posoudit vaše rizika a příležitosti v pouhých několika krocích: To je to, co nazýváme naší řídicí věží, protože vám poskytuje plnou kontrolu nad vaším dodavatelským řetězcem. Všechny vaše operace jsou harmonizovány centrální strukturou řízení, která využívá data z 8 řídicích věží. Naše řídicí věž integruje různé zdroje dat a standardizuje jejich formát, umožňuje snadnou distribuci v rámci vašich systémů a zajišťuje, aby vaši zákazníci získali stabilní zkušenost. Řízení obchodních procesů léky jako ketokonazol, itrakonazol a posakonazol (používané k léčbě plísňových infekcí) nebo erlotinib (používaný u některých typů rakoviny), protože Controloc může narušit jejich správný účinek. Serious skin reactions (frequency not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data) : Very rare side effects: disorientation; reduction in the number of blood platelets, which may cause you to bleed or bruise more than normal; reduction in the number of white blood cells, which may lead to more frequent infections. K léčbě infekce vyvolané bakterií Helicobacter pylori u pacientů s dvanáctníkovými a žaludečními vředy v kombinaci se dvěma antibiotiky (eradikační terapie)

Obvyklá dávka je jedna tableta denně. Lékař může dávku zvýšit na dvě tablety denně. Doba léčenírefluxní esofagitidy je zpravidla 4 až 8 týdnů. Lékař vám sdělí, jak dlouho máte přípravek užívat. Persoanele care utilizează doze zilnice multiple de medicamente din categoria inhibitori de pompă de protoni, în special pe o perioadă mai lungă (un an sau mai mul), pot avea un risc crescut de fractură la nivelul şoldului, la nivelul încheieturii mâinii sau de coloană vertebrală. Adresaţi-vă medicului dumneavoastră pentru riscul de fracturi osoase dacă luaţi Controloc. Balení obsahují 7, 10, 14, 15, 24, 28, 30, 48, 49, 56, 60, 84, 90, 98, 98 (2x49), 100, 112, 168enterosolventních tablet. Frequency not known:hallucination, confusion (especially in patients with a history of these symptoms); decreased level of sodium in blood.

Před užitím přípravku Controloc 40 mg se poraďte se svým lékařem, lékárníkem nebo zdravotní sestrou: Afecţiuni grave ale pielii (frecvenţă necunoscută): formarea de pustule pe piele şi deteriorarea rapidă a stării dumneavoastră generală, eroziune (inclusiv sângerare uşoară) la ambii ochi, ulceraţii la nivelul nasului, gurii/buzelor sau organelor genitale (sindromul Stevens-Johnson, sindromul Lyell, Eritem multiform) sensibilitate la lumină;

severe and/or persistent diarrhoea, because this medicine has been associated with a small increase in infectious diarrhoea. Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. This alsoincludes herbal or homeopathic remedies. Pantoprazole was more effective than placebo and ranitidine at improving the symptoms of acid reflux. In the first study, 74% of the patients taking pantoprazole (80 out of 108) and 43% of those taking placebo (48 out of 111) had no heartburn after two weeks. Pantoprazole was also more effective than placebo at reducing symptoms of acid regurgitation. In the second study, 70% of the patients taking pantoprazole (121 out of 172) and 59% of those talking ranitidine (102 out of 172) had no heartburn after two weeks of treatment. What is the risk associated with Controloc Control? cazul în care luați Controloc pentru o perioadă de timp mai mare de trei luni, este posibil ca nivelul de magneziu din sânge să scadă. Nivelul scăzut de magneziu din sânge poate cauza oboseală, contracții musculare involuntare, dezorientare, convulsii, amețeală, creșterea ritmului inimii. Dacă observaţi apariţia oricăreia dintre aceste simptome, adresaţi-vă imediat medicului dumneavoastră. Niveluri scăzute de magneziu pot deasemenea produce o reducere a nivelurilor de potasiu și calciu din sânge. Medicul dumneavoastră va decide dacă nivelul de magneziu din sânge trebuie verificat periodic . Vždy užívejte přípravek Controloc 40 mg přesně podle pokynů svého lékaře. Pokud si nejste jistý/á,poraďte se se svým lékařem nebo lékárníkem.Léčba infekce vyvolané bakterií Helicobacter pylori u pacientů s dvanáctníkovými ažaludečními vředy v kombinaci se dvěma antibiotiky (eradikační terapie) You should take this medicine for at least 2–3 consecutive days. Stop taking CONTROLOC Control when you are completely symptom-free. You may experience relief from your acid reflux and heartburn symptoms after just one day of treatment with CONTROLOC Control, but this medicine is not meant to bring immediate relief. warfarin či fenprokumon, které mají vliv na houstnutí nebo řídnutí krve (krevní srážlivost). Mohou být nutná další vyšetření. Pantoprazole-containing medicines have been available in the European Union (EU) since 1994. The reference medicine, Controloc, is only available with a prescription. It is used for long-term treatments and is also used to treat a wider range of gastrointestinal diseases (conditions affecting the gut) than Controloc Control. How has Controloc Control been studied? Do not take a double dose to make up for the forgotten dose. Take your next, normal dose, the next day, at your usual time.

Přípravek Controloc 40 mg totiž může ovlivnit účinek jiných léčiv, informujte proto svého lékaře, pokud užíváte: Controloc Control is similar to a ‘reference medicine’ already authorised in the European Union (EU) called Controloc. What is Controloc Control used for? Controloc nu este recomandat pentru utilizare la copii deoarece nu s-a demonstrat eficienţa la copii sub vârsta de 12 ani. Atenționări:Conducerea vehiculelor sau folosirea utilajelor BY1023ESP009 3962004 48 weeks Pan 20, Ran 150 bid Pantoprazole was superior to ranitidine Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I after 8 weeks of treatment Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I after 4 weeks of treatment Results are similar to published studies FK3059, VMG306, FK3034 and BGSA006 346 BY1023MEX020 2002004 Pan 20, Ome 10 48 weeks Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage I Relief of GORD symptoms after 7 and 28 days of treatment Pantoprazole and omeprazole were similarly effective Published studies showed non-inferiority of pantoprazole compared to other PPIs Study VMG305 and M3-320 322 BY1023FK3037 10596 Pan 20, 40, 80 48 weeks Symptom relief at 2 and 4 weeks of treatment Similar results were shown in the published study M3-316. Endoscopic healing of GORD Stage IIIII after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment There was no statistically significant difference between the treatment groups CSR Clinical Study Report, N Number of Patients, Eso Esomeprazole, Lan Lansoprazole, Niz Nizatidine, Ome Omeprazole, Pan Pantoprazole, Pla Placebo, Ran Ranitidine, bid twice dailyfracture of your hip, wrist or spine, especially if you already have osteoporosis (reduced bone density) or if your doctor has told you that you are at risk of getting osteoporosis (for example, if you are taking steroids). La pacientii cu insuficienta hepatica severa se va administra 1 tableta de Controloc( 40 mg Pantoprazol) la doua zile. Se va inghiti intreaga tableta, nemestecata si fara a se sparge, cu apa, inaintea sau in timpul micului dejun.

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist. Alte afecţiuni grave (frecvenţă necunoscută): îngălbenirea pielii şi a zonei albe a ochilor (celulele hepatice sunt grav afectate, icter) sau febră, urticarie şi rinichi măriţi, uneori cu dureri la urinare şi dureri în zona lombară (inflamarea gravă a rinichilor). Primary Objective Secondary Objective Treatment Duration Results Study No. CSR No. N ITT 2 weeks 219 BY1023BGSA017 24598 Relief of heartburn in GORD Stage 0 Time to freedom from key GORD symptoms Pan 20, Placebo Pantoprazole was superior to placebo 4 weeks 338 BY1023FK3059 932001 Relief of key symptoms in GORD after 28 days Relief of key symptoms in GORD after 14 days Pan 20, Ran 300 once daily Pantoprazole was superior to ranitidine 4 weeks 356 BY1023VMG306 30298 Relief of symptoms in GORD Stage 0I after 4 weeks of treatment Leading symptom relief after 2 weeks of treatment Pan 20, Ran 150 bid Pantoprazole was superior to ranitidine 4 weeks 375 BY1023VMG305 30198 Pan 20, Lan 15 Relief of symptoms in GORD Stage 0I after 4 weeks of treatment Relief of GORD symptoms after 2 weeks of treatment Pantoprazole was non-inferior to lansoprazole after 4 weeks of treatment Pan 20, 40 4 weeks 421 BY1023M3-316 1522003 Relief of symptoms in GORD Stage A-D Assessment of GI symptoms at day 14 and 28 Pantoprazole was effective and well tolerated 4 weeks 529 BY1023M3-320 1702003 Pan 20, Eso 20 Relief of GORD-related symptoms after 14 and 28 days Time to first symptom relief of GORD-related symptoms in GORD Stage 0 Both PPIs were comparably effective pantoprazole was non-inferior to esomeprazole CONTROLOC Control may stop certain other medicines from working properly. Tell yourdoctor or pharmacist if you are using anymedicines containing one of the following active substances: falling magnesium levels in your blood (potential symptoms: fatigue, involuntary muscle contractions, disorientation, convulsions, dizziness, increased heart rate). Low levels of magnesium can also lead to a reduction in potassium or calcium levels in the blood. You should talk to your doctor if you have been using this product for more than 4 weeks. Your doctor may decide to perform regular blood tests to monitor your levels of magnesium.Dacă sunteţi gravidă sau alăptaţi, credeţi că aţi putea fi gravidă sau intenţionaţi să rămâneţi gravidă, adresaţivă medicului sau farmacistului pentru recomandări înainte de a lua acest medicament. Ambalaje distribuite în spitale cu 50, 56, 84, 90, 112, 140, 140 (10x14 sau 5x28), 150 (10x15), 280 (20x14 sau 10x28), 500, 700 (5x140) comprimate gastro-rezistente.

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